raising awareness
to the crisis of global
garbage pollution


Global Stories Project – Uganda

Global Stories Project – Uganda

Geographical Report - The Real Story from Uganda In our geographical reports, many of the questions are still being answered. As more research becomes available, or as people share related content,...

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3 Tips to Waste Less This Summer

3 Tips to Waste Less This Summer

Is it possible to have a fun memorable summer and not add excessive amounts of garbage to our planet? Can you even imagine going on vacation and not having bags and bags of garbage? It’s possible, and I want to empower you with three tips on how you can waste less this summer!

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5 Problems Of Going “Plastic-Free”

5 Problems Of Going “Plastic-Free”

Plastic-free challenges are a great way to educate yourself quickly about the overuse of plastic, but what are the negative impacts to short-term challenges that require drastic changes to lifestyle choices?

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Global Stories Project – Uganda

Geographical Report - The Real Story from Uganda In our geographical reports, many of the questions are still being answered. As more research becomes available, or as people share related content, the information will be updated so you can stay more current with the...

3 Tips to Waste Less This Summer

Summer is a season full of fun, adventure, travel, picnics, concerts, vacation, camping, hiking, wilderness exploring, hunting, fishing, stargazing, gardening, agricultural research and development, farming, small and large scale construction, and the list goes on....

5 Problems Of Going “Plastic-Free”

You’ve probably heard about “Plastic Free Challenges” on social media and YouTube. At first glance, it might sound like a great idea, or maybe you think it’s crazy. Yeah, definitely crazy. Who would want to spend more money on products that are harder to find and not...



We share real stories and information and we keep you updated about garbage pollution from around the world.


We want to inspire you with our content and resources, and engage with you and show you that it’s possible to change the world.


It’s our goal to help you feel confident and empowered to make a positive impact, to be a good steward in your life and in the world.

We exist to inspire individuals and businesses to change the way they consume, dispose of, and process garbage.

We do this by raising awareness and providing real, relevant, and practical tips and tricks that inspire action, promote good stewardship, and drive impact. By influencing people to change the way they live, we believe we can change the world.

Why does this matter?

Much of the waste management system is hidden from view. The absence of visible garbage pollution can create the impression that waste simply disappears when disposed of. However, this is far from the truth. It is important for us to understand the global impact of garbage pollution, to know what is happening with our trash, and to have the knowledge and resources necessary to make effective changes in our lives that will ultimately change the world.


Our mission is to raise awareness of the global garbage pollution crisis through education, inspiration, and empowering both individuals and businesses to change the way they consume and dispose of garbage. It is our mission to change lives and change the world.



We are empowered by authentic stories, data, and experiences from around the world. We are committed to unveiling the truth about garbage pollution and seek contributors who share this passion.



We are seeking like-minded individuals who share our mission and are passionate about changing the world. If you are passionate about the content on this website, let’s connect!



Our work is neither easy nor free. It requires time and energy to continue and we rely on people like you to continue pushing the mission forward. Interested in helping out? One simple way is to donate.