the REAL blog


Global Stories Project – Uganda

Global Stories Project – Uganda

Geographical Report - The Real Story from Uganda In our geographical reports, many of the questions are still being answered. As more research becomes available, or as people share related content,...

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How To “Picnic” Without Plastic

How To “Picnic” Without Plastic

Picnics, being outdoors, tossing frisbees and footballs, grilling at the park, and enjoying the sun. Yep, that is the joy of great weather! We love the nostalgia, the memories, family and friends...

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Does Pollution Increase Your Anxiety? (4 Tips To Break Free)

Does Pollution Increase Your Anxiety? (4 Tips To Break Free)

Whether we like it or not, the Earth is becoming increasingly more polluted every day. Air, land, and water are polluted. We don’t realize it, but everywhere we go, there is some form of pollution. What I’m bringing to you in this post is how garbage pollution affects our mental health, and a few tips on how you can break free from the anxiety it brings.

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Predolac Cave Cleanup, by Mossy Earth

Predolac Cave Cleanup, by Mossy Earth

Mossy Earth - Cave Cleanup Project Metkovic, Croatia   "We return to Croatia to continue our efforts to clean decades of old waste from...

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Global Stories Project – Uganda

Geographical Report - The Real Story from Uganda In our geographical reports, many of the questions are still being answered. As more research becomes available, or as people share related content, the information will be updated so you can stay more current with the...

3 Tips to Waste Less This Summer

Summer is a season full of fun, adventure, travel, picnics, concerts, vacation, camping, hiking, wilderness exploring, hunting, fishing, stargazing, gardening, agricultural research and development, farming, small and large scale construction, and the list goes on....

5 Problems Of Going “Plastic-Free”

You’ve probably heard about “Plastic Free Challenges” on social media and YouTube. At first glance, it might sound like a great idea, or maybe you think it’s crazy. Yeah, definitely crazy. Who would want to spend more money on products that are harder to find and not...


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pollution or cleanup!

Learning is the first step to profound change.