the REAL blog



Global Stories Project – Uganda

Global Stories Project – Uganda

Geographical Report - The Real Story from Uganda In our geographical reports, many of the questions are still being answered. As more research becomes available, or as people share related content, the information will be updated so you can stay more current with the...

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3 Tips to Waste Less This Summer

3 Tips to Waste Less This Summer

Is it possible to have a fun memorable summer and not add excessive amounts of garbage to our planet? Can you even imagine going on vacation and not having bags and bags of garbage? It’s possible, and I want to empower you with three tips on how you can waste less this summer!

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5 Problems Of Going “Plastic-Free”

5 Problems Of Going “Plastic-Free”

Plastic-free challenges are a great way to educate yourself quickly about the overuse of plastic, but what are the negative impacts to short-term challenges that require drastic changes to lifestyle choices?

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Picking Up Trash on Earth Day

Picking Up Trash on Earth Day

Oh Yeah, it’s Earth Month! April 22nd was Earth Day. Maybe you didn’t know that, but don’t feel bad, I didn’t know about Earth Day until a few years ago. Oops!  Did you participate in any Earth Day events? Did you know that every year, roughly 1 billion people...

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