the REAL blog



Does Pollution Increase Your Anxiety? (4 Tips To Break Free)

Does Pollution Increase Your Anxiety? (4 Tips To Break Free)

Whether we like it or not, the Earth is becoming increasingly more polluted every day. Air, land, and water are polluted. We don’t realize it, but everywhere we go, there is some form of pollution. What I’m bringing to you in this post is how garbage pollution affects our mental health, and a few tips on how you can break free from the anxiety it brings.

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5 Reasons To Use Landfills As a Last Resort

5 Reasons To Use Landfills As a Last Resort

In the United States of America alone, there are over 2,000 landfills in the USA, almost 300 with less than 10 years of capacity remaining. What makes it worse is that plastic production is expected to increase significantly, and with the ongoing difficulties of...

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Does Pollution Increase Your Anxiety? (4 Tips To Break Free)

Does Pollution Increase Your Anxiety? (4 Tips To Break Free)

Whether we like it or not, the Earth is becoming increasingly more polluted every day. Air, land, and water are polluted. We don’t realize it, but everywhere we go, there is some form of pollution. What I’m bringing to you in this post is how garbage pollution affects our mental health, and a few tips on how you can break free from the anxiety it brings.

Learning is the first step to profound change.