Does Pollution Increase Your Anxiety? (4 Tips To Break Free)

girl with anxiety and store shelves loaded with plastic items

Written by Hosanna Jill

July 10, 2023

Whether we like it or not, the Earth is becoming increasingly more polluted every day. Air, land, and water are polluted. We don’t realize it, but everywhere we go, there is some form of pollution. What I’m bringing to you in this post is how garbage pollution affects our mental health, and a few tips on how you can break free from the anxiety it brings.

The Shoppers Trap

Face it, a lot of the garbage pollution is coming straight from the stores, shops, commerce, and the luxurious life we chase after. Advertisements are aimed to make us all want to buy more. The items we buy are typically packaged in something that will inevitably be tossed in the trash, and add to the pollution crisis. We don’t really think about that, but it’s true. 

Shopping is either stressful or exciting to you, and the reasons behind each are different for everyone. For those who are more aware of garbage pollution issues, (maybe that is you since you clicked on this post), shopping is so stressful it gives you anxiety. 

Let’s get right down to it so you can relax!

First, let’s take a quick look at WHY you might be experiencing anxiety when you think about or see trash. 

Psychological Breakdown

In the same way that clutter can cause the mind to be overwhelmed, seeing garbage pollution can have a similar effect. Although, it’s possible that seeing garbage pollution is a much deeper felt emotion or reaction, due to the known dangers of it. Because you know that garbage pollution is a much bigger issue than what is right in front of your face, the weight of seeing it is heavier.

There are other effects of pollution, and how it affects our health, you can read more about that from the two articles below:

(Disclaimer: I am not sponsored or paid for sharing these links, and I cannot guarantee that the information they publish and advertise is 100% accurate).

Have you ever walked into a store and almost instantly felt overwhelmed by the amount of plastic packaging? You look, and almost everything is made out of plastic, wrapped in plastic, sitting on plastic shelves or baskets, there is plastic signage everywhere, bulk items need plastic to hold everything together, it’s just too much. Overwhelmed, I walk around, back and forth, people are passing me looking at me, am I being too obvious? 

I’m just looking for something that isn’t made of plastic or wrapped in cheap packaging, why is it so hard to find products with NO plastic included? 

There I was, stressing out because I know that garbage pollution is so severe.

I don’t think I need to say it, but I’ll say it; waste and garbage pollution is bad for the planet. 

Plastic pollution, chemical pollution, are bad for the planet. 

It’s bad for all living creatures. 

It’s bad for ecosystems. 

It’s not just a problem, it really is a global crisis.

Can I go on a quick tangent? I mean, that one store is not the only store in the world. There are billions of stores, and much of what they sell is likely made of plastic or packaged in plastic. Or, it is packaged in something that is not biodegradable, recycled, or safe for this planet and all its living things. So when I start thinking of the billions of stores like this, how much product has been sold here, and how much is yet to come, it’s really overwhelming. 

On several occasions, I have left the store with absolutely nothing. Why? I couldn’t find the item I wanted, but the plastic-free option. It gave me anxiety, I was internally panicking, and getting stressed out, feeling hopeless that we’d ever be able to solve this crisis. I had to ask myself, why is plastic pollution giving me anxiety? How can I beat this?

Shopping Can Be Stressful, But Don’t Make It

We have to be careful to not let anxiety and stress overcome us. We have no control over the past, what’s been created and stocked on the shelves has already been added to the world, but how do we avoid letting our mental health become overwhelmed?

Here are a few tips to help you keep your anxiety in check as you shop, walk, and continue with your normal activities.


#1 Think Out Loud

Words have influence. When you find yourself searching to no avail for plastic-free items, saying out loud, “everything has plastic! Isn’t there something without plastic?” brings attention to the problem, and occasionally, someone will comment in agreement, or share a tip for a quality plastic-free option!

Have you ever tried this? Walk past people in the store aisle, and talk to your child or shopping companion about what you’re seeing. When my child says, “mom, can we get these cherries?” and I respond with, “They look delicious, but let’s not. The packaging is plastic, and plastic is badly polluting our planet. We can find cherries in better/no packaging.” I don’t know how many people hear us, but I like to think that the more positive things I say out loud about the lack of better products, or the more often I ask the employees for “plastic free” alternatives, the more people around us will start to catch on.

Maybe they’ll ponder that for a moment, maybe not. But, my hope is that someone will be inspired, and they’ll go home and inspire their family or friends, and there goes the ripple effect.

The goal is to be positive, speak to inspire others of better solutions, and don’t feel like you’re missing out on something. The plastic is not worth it!


#2 Breathe

Sure, it’s easier said than done. But, the products have already been created, there isn’t anything you can do about the billions of packaged items already jammed on the shelves. Well, that is, except for not purchasing it unless absolutely necessary.

The hardest part about shopping is finding things that are not wrapped needlessly in plastic. Sometimes I go into a store needing something, but walk out with nothing because I didn’t find a good product. We have to be ok with not having everything we need all the time.

Breath easy, walk through without the product if you need to. It’s sad seeing all the trash that will end up in landfills, but as mentioned earlier, it’s already been created. But you don’t have to buy it, it sends a message to the industries to make more. We don’t want more. We want… well, what do you want when you’re shopping? Maybe that’s a good question to think about.


#3 Keep Up The Good Habits, Don’t Give Up

It can be really hard to stay motivated. Especially when you see the pollution problem and know that it’s so incredibly out of control. It seems hopeless. This “problem” is so vast that we think, “there is no way to fix this now, why even try?”

Well, let me tell you something. If you keep telling yourself that, of course you’re not going to have any motivation, and of course you won’t change the world.

It’s not just our mind that we need to retrain, but it’s habits, too. And we need to understand that it’s our responsibility, it’s our mission to do our part, to be the hero’s of this earth, to be good stewards of our planet. We are obligated to do the right thing. And, people are watching you, you’re leading by example whether you like it or not.

So don’t stop sorting your trash, don’t stop reusing glass jars or passing on items instead of throwing them to the landfill, don’t stop being selective with your purchases. Keep it up! The world doesn’t need 10 billion people who are perfect at creating minimal waste, we need as many of us as possible trying! That’s all it takes; someone trying to be more responsible.


#4 You Don’t Need That

We’ve been lied to by marketers and social media that we “need” or “deserve” to have this and that, but the truth is, we do not need a brand new phone every year, or the product you just saw on TikTok. Don’t fall for the lies that you MUST have it!

Ok ok, I am very guilty of pleasure shopping, shopping on a whim, buying just because, and seeing the newest or coolest gadget and just wanting to have it for fun. But, I quickly realized that within a few days to weeks, I don’t even care about that item anymore. So, not only did I waste money, I wasted product, I purchased something that I know is just going to add to the problem.

No more! If you want to learn how I took on that battle, drop a comment or send me an email and I would be happy to share!

But let’s be honest.. you don’t need that sparkly keychain that’s packaged in excessive plastic. It’s a consumer product, and likely doesn’t serve much purpose. You don’t need that freebie foam bus at the event table, it’s worthless and you know it. You don’t need all these products that the media tells you that you need. The newest yoga pants, well, there will be “newer” yoga pants soon and then what? Will you need those, too?

We’ve become so lost in consumerism, it’s like we’re addicted. We will probably have withdrawal if we stop purchasing!

You’re going to be ok! Find something in your home (or second-hand, my favorite) that you can use in place of that item. Unless it’s underwear, socks, or things that you just can’t handle buying second-hand, try to avoid brand new items as much as possible.

The second thing you don’t need is all that stress!! So get rid of it! The anxiety you feel from plastic pollution, it’s not your fault that the world is so polluted. Well, ok, we do need to take responsibility for it, because we are a part of the problem. But, it’s largely because of the $$$$ behind plastics. Industries aren’t really held responsible for their end products, so they don’t care. They invest more money in new oil wells than in cleaning up the earth! Check out this recent post, 10 Ways You Can Help Heal The Earth


In Conclusion

So, let go of the guilt, stress, and anxiety, and use that energy to push for change! Using plastic is not the problem. But buying brand new plastic (virgin plastic) only adds to the problem, and tells companies and industries to make more. So, the more you do to show industries and others that there are better alternatives, the better it is for everyone!

What tips do you have to help reduce pollution related stress and anxiety?


Thank you so much for reading.

Until next time,


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