How To Host A Cleanup Event

Written by Hosanna Jill

April 18, 2023

So You Want To Host A Cleanup Event?

Firstly, that is great! We need more people like you, so thank you for stepping up and being a good steward of our planet. 

Here is how you can host a cleanup event. It’s not complex, but depending on where you are going to be picking up trash, you may need to plan it out and make sure you have certain needs met. Some examples are that you may need permission to be on the land, or you may also need permission to dispose of the garbage you collect in nearby dumpsters or trash cans. 

5 Tips To Host a Garbage Cleanup

These are very basic steps, there are other details involved that only you will know about. But, this will get you started!

#1 – Pick a Location, Date & Time

Find a location that you want to pick up trash, and pick a date and time for the event. Check with the landowners to make sure you have their consent and approval to bring volunteers and pick up trash during that time. 

This is a great time to build trust and show your community that you care about them, too. 

#2 – What Supplies Will You Need? 

Every cleanup location is just a little different. Consider where you are going to be picking up trash. Is it in the woods, by or in water, is there a lot of mud, or is it in open areas like mown yards or parking lots? Based on where you need to be, you may need supplies like rubber boots, long pants, hats for hot sunny days, work gloves (always encourage your volunteers to bring work gloves. One thing I always recommend and encourage people to bring is buckets, bags, and even wagons or wheel barrows, and discourage people from using brand new trash bags or going out and buying new supplies.

If you are going to be cleaning up water or in areas that are hard to get to, consider bringing tools that can help you pull trash out of the water, or out of reach. 

#3 – Where Will The Trash Go? 

You’ve gotten this far. Now it’s time to make sure that trash goes where it belongs. If you’re able to recycle any of it, you may want to tell your volunteers ahead of time that at the end you will be sorting it. They may have clever ideas on how to help that process go faster. 

Depending on how much trash you pick up, you might be able to discard it in nearby dumpsters or trashcans. But you might need to take it away from the site. In which case, you may want to call nearby stores or restaurants and share your event with them, and ask for their permission to discard it. This one can be tricky, but oftentimes, people are more than willing to be part of the process of keeping our planet clean. 

#4 – Invite Everyone!

Once you have the property owners permission, you’re ready start inviting people! Make sure to let them know how to prepare, and what they can bring. If you want a big crowd, you may have to put in more work, such as creating fliers or ads, sending out emails, text messages, posting on social media, and handing out flyers in neighborhoods. 

This is another good way to build trust and more ownership of our planet!

#5 – Last Tips

Do you need any educational content for trash sorting or inspiring others about stewarding our planet? Get that ready before the big event!

Do you need extra help? Ask one or two (or however many people you need) to lead it with you, and make sure to designate someone to stay at the meeting point to welcome late-coming volunteers. 

Take a lot of photos, and share your story! If you’re not sure how to do that, we are a platform that you can tell your story on. Just send me an email at, and let’s get your story out there!

Lastly, get excited! I know this is a trashy job, but the environment you’re creating will be several like-minded people, and I have not heard of even one cleanup event that was horrible. It is a lot of fun! The things you find, the people you meet, the success and joy of seeing a really messy area be transformed into a trash-free, beautiful, and restored area is so rewarding. 

In conclusion

The point is, people want to take ownership of their community, and of our planet. People want to do something to help our environment thrive. When we create opportunities, those who really want to will come. And those who come will be inspired, fueled, and ready for more. They will leave with a different perspective, and that is the key. We need to be inspired, get excited, feel empowered, and think differently. That’s how we make change happen!

Hosting a cleanup event does not have to be a big ordeal, it can also be as simple as calling a friend and walking down a street picking up roadside litter. You don’t have to publicize, take pictures, or even share your story. The reason sharing your story can be powerful is because it is so inspiring to hear how achievable keeping our planet clean is. But, there is also a lot of fulfillment and joy from not telling anyone, just doing it is leading by example. That’s powerful.

There are 365 days in each year. So don’t make Earth Day the only day you get involved in caring for our planet. Every day is an opportunity to do something, big or small. So what are you waiting for? 


Do you have more tips to host cleanup events that you can share? Comment below, I would love to hear from you!

Until next time,


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